Hi! I am Aditya Thakur


I am an enthusiastic software developer who throughly enjoys coding and problem solving. I am a master's student at New York University in the department of Computer Engineering, graduating in May'23. I am interested in High-Performance Machine Learning and Deep Learning Systems. I am currently working on image recognition models involving CNN architectures and multi-modal learning.
Previously, I have worked full-time as a software engineer for 3+ years in the domain of Enterprise Application Development, Backend Development with REST API, SAP ABAP (NoSQL and Java based Object-oriented language) and Automation with Python, AWS Lambda.

Technical Skills

  • Languages: Python, C/C++, SQL, ABAP, Java
  • Frameworks: Pytest, pandas, NumPy, PyTorch, Matplotlib, AWS Lambda, React, Flask
  • Developer Tools: Git, VS Code, Gitlab, SAP GUI
  • Operating Systems: Linux/UNIX (Ubuntu & Ferdora), Windows
  • Project Management: Jira, Mural, Agile Development
March 2022

Residual Network Design for image recognition with 5M parameters

Designed an image recognition model based on ResNet architecture for low memory devices with the trained model of size approx. 20MB.
Used a combination on regularization and normalization techniques like RandomCrop, BatchNorm, Dropout, Gradient Clipping and Squeeze & Excitation to effectively reduce test loss and generalize the model. With 5M learn-able parameters, achieved an accuracy of 96% on validation set with 200 epochs of training on CIFAR-10 dataset.

October 2021

Principal Component Anlysis

Implemented Principal component analysis with MATLAB on a teapots dataset to improve the images.
Principal component analysis is used to reduce the number of variables of a data set, while preserving as much information as possible.

September 2021

Python based Chat application with tkinter

Built a Client - Server model based chat application using socket programming and multi-threading in Python.
The application uses tkinter for basic GUI and socket programming to implement client-server model.

January 2022

Python Performance Tools

Notebooks explaining tools with examples to tune performance of python programs
Tools covered: Timeit, Decorators, Loops optimization, Itertools Combinatoric iterators

July 2020 - August 2020

Smart Surveillance

Designed an accident reporting system using Neural Network for classifying frames, achieving anaccuracy of 85%.
Developed a web app using the Flask framework for calling the classifier API and sending e-mail notifications.

September 2016 - April 2018

Solar-Electric Vehicle
(Team ETROS)

Led the development of electrical subsystem comprising of controllers, battery, motor, sensors and other peripherals.
Worked on interactive dashboard & enabling real-time data sharing of vehicle statistics and location.
Implemented a system to detect driver fatigue and microsleep using eye-feature extraction

April 2018

Humanoid control using Gesture recognition
via EMG signal

Designed a system to preprocess and enhance the signal before feeding it to a microcontroller.
Created extensive training data to increase the predictability of gestures. Achieved accuracy close to 70%.